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  1. Hi there I have a really big problem
    This man owes me some money an refuses to pay me
    I keep calling texing him I have 3 kids
    To feed ab send to school an i am at my wits end
    I dont know what to do i need help immidiately

  2. Hi! Is there any switch word that helps with false joints (pseudarthrosis)?

  3. I want to earn huge money and turn my business into money making machine. Please give some chant

  4. Hi Naran,

    I have a huge problem of facing the crowd or strangers. I start shivering speaking in front of a crowd. Can you please help me/


  5. Hi – I’m looking for a dream job to work for an investment bank at a good salary. Either I don’t get the interview invite or am unable to clear the interview, can you please give me sw to chant.

  6. Thank you sir and it is a small word to be grateful..

  7. Teresann Johnson

    Hi I’m writing down my switchwords every day but none of them has helped in any situation am i doing something wrong?

  8. Kavya Thapar

    I have a major concern how may I ask?

  9. Hi naran

    i am really not sure how these things work but now days am really feeling lonely the person i love dosnt love me and upon that no matter how much hard work am doing am not satisfied with the progress rate as i am not able to save or build any thing

  10. Hi Naran Sir,

    It’s a continuous pattern with me that whomever i like, they don’t want to take relationship further. There is this girl i am in love with, we share a great bonding but she doesn’t feel for me or maybe she has something in her mind which she is not sharing because of which even our friendship is getting affected day by day.
    I am also not able to concentrate on my exam which i have in one month.
    can you please suggest something for improving my love life and also something so that i can able to concentrate on my studies.

  11. A friend owes me Rs. 1 lakh which he refuses to pay. Can you suggest switchwords to get back my money.

  12. Jasreen Bedi

    I am in need of financial help asap, need to clear prolonged dues, please help me with some powerful switch words.

  13. Jasreen Bedi

    I am in need of financial help asap, need to clear prolonged dues, please help me with some powerful switch words.



  15. Hi Naran,

    My husband is very loving and caring but at same time he is very angry and looses patience many times.

    I m married since last 3years and not I m planning to have child but my husband is denying to have change due to our age gap of 15years. He is elder to me. Which switch word can I chant?

  16. Hi Naran,

    My husband is very loving and caring but at same time he is very angry and looses patience many times.

    I m married since last 3years and I m planning to have child but my husband is denying to have child due to our age gap of 15years. He is elder to me. Which switch word can I chant to divert his mind?

  17. Hi Naran sir,

    I m hearing about you one of my friend, she knows my life problem.

    My hub is not going any job since last 9+ yrs and no thought about it. Which switch word is change his mind? Please help me..

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